Junior & Abby Taylor
True Bible Baptist Church - Des Moines, Iowa
Junior’s 2011 Mozambique mission trip started with over- whelming homesickness. He was thousands of miles from his family in Jamaica, and he didn’t understand a word of the Portuguese being spoken. But the warm welcome Junior received by Christians gathered for the Saturday night Bible study at Joel and Joanie Troester’s church transformed him. He saw how God had worked among the Mozambican people, creating brothers and sisters in Christ in this faraway place. By the end of his trip, Junior gladly surrendered to be used by God to build His church in Mozambique.
Abby grew up in Iowa, the daughter of a pastor who later became a camp director. Ministry involvement was daily life for her, and she loved it. She studied women’s ministry in college, but when no ministries opened after graduation, she pursued an alternate career: interior design. But the Lord spoke to her that her call was to ministry. After praying that God would open a door, she met Junior.
Junior had graduated from Fairview Baptist Bible College, a Jamaican-led institution started by BMM missionaries. Junior intended to be a pastor in Jamaica, but after BMM missionary Larry Fogle spoke at Fairview about missions in Africa, Junior told the Lord he was willing to go. He moved to Iowa, where he earned MA and MDiv degrees. His Mozambique mission trip during seminary confirmed God’s direction for his life.
In college, Abby had helped in her church’s international student ministry, and she loved other cultures. Over time, she saw that Mozambique was God’s direction for her too. Junior and Abby married on November 14, 2015. Junior currently serves as youth pastor at his church, experience that will be greatly used in Mozambique. The Taylors plan to be church planters. Junior’s education also equips him to help Joel start a Bible institute. Abby can readily use her women’s ministries experience, and she can help Joanie teach home economics skills to help women pro- vide for their needs. The Taylors look forward to how God will use them to build and strengthen disciples in Africa.